Saturday, May 21, 2011

Wine Fest @ Cypher!

This is a pretty wimpy blog about Wine Fest but that's only because I worked all day and am exhausted. So this is all you get (Ha!):

First off I walked in to see Mike looking hot! I've never seen him in a tie before - he's usually in plaid with his worker boots as he has his own vineyard & family winery - so this was a shock! But doesn't he look good? I knew from the moment I saw him he'd get waaaay more tips than me today :)

I was thrilled to walk into the winery to see that Christian was going to pour through some of the new wines for us and tell us about his vision. Stainless Grenache Blanc, Stainless Chardonnay, Grenache Noir, Mourvedre, & the new 12 Varietal Cypher Wine - wow! Here's photos of the day:

First up, Christian pouring the Grenache Blanc:

And here's Leanna, our wine club manager, getting her drink on :)

Here's the new Cypher Wine cork:

Here's Christian tearing the head off of an innocent bottle - the newly released Cypher wine. Twelve varietals in one bottle:

Here's what's in it:

Here's a photo of me with the man himself:

And amazingly, I ran into Sarah Silverman today! Well, she may not be the "real" Sarah Silverman, but she sure looks like her. In fact, all she did was say "fuck" when I talked to her, so maybe she is the real thing! Then again, she accused me of being the one who swore all the time. She may have called me out and was right, but that was only because I thought I was in the presence of the real Sarah Silverman - and then you're obliged to swear of course. Chicken or the egg sort of thing you know. (This is all part of an inside joke - thank you for indulging me!)

Ms. Sarah Silverman, though I only chatted with you for 5 minutes, you were my favorite part of the day - thank you!!!

"We'll be back" for Wine Fest next year - hopefully with a much better blog :)

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